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Programme 18 October

Last week the onboarding students thought about their learning outcomes: What do I want to know or be able to at the end of my X-Honours journey? The topic of Wednesday 18 October will be self-assessment: Do you know when you have succeeded in gaining that learning outcome?

Advanced students will think about what they can do to contribute to the X-Honours community, as that is our vision: We learn together, with and from each other. You get some and you give some. After that the new topic Project Management is on the programme. You will learn how to write a project plan. You will get handy tips and tricks, and you will make a start with your own project plan. You’ll gain helpful skills for X-Honours, for you study and your career.

We look forward to meeting you on Wednesday afternoon on one of our locations!


15.45Walk in
16:00Welcome, announcement and pitches (plenary)
16:15* – 18.00Separate sessions for onboarding and advanced students
* The time frames are approximate, programme parts will start subsequent to the previous part.



@X-lab Leeuwarden (R10-building) 
K1.04 (kennispoort, BGG vide) 
Design Factory 