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Showcase days on 10 and 17 January

showcase days X-Honours

Wrapping up the 1st semester

We start this happy new year with wrapping up the first semester. We planned two showcase days on 10 and 17 January. This means there are no X-Honours’ sessions on these days.

Students from both programmes (onboarding and advanced) will have the occasion to show their insights and projects from this semester on one of these days: What learning outcomes did they formulate? And what did they do and undertake to start achieving them, or what do they plan to do? What do the pillars mean to them personally, and how did they develop on each of them? Students can showcase this in there own, personal way and we encourage them to be original.

After showcasing some highlights, students will get feedback from the coach and the peers they invited. This feedback will be included in their personal portfolios with which students round off their assessments.

For planning a timeslot for a showcase, students are directed to our Teams group.

Heads up to the 2nd semester

On 7 February a new semester starts. We will start with an introduction session for interested students. All students from NHL Stenden are invited and we also invite all of our current students to this first meeting of the semester.

Students that followed the onboarding session in semester 1 will automatically move into our advanced students’ programme. They will dive in deeper in the pillars and get support in starting up their projects and tackling problems, both by a coach and by each other as we set up peer-to-peer learning sessions.