As Winston Churchill once wrote: “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”. An idea I wholeheartedly agree with, yet I see as somewhat flawed, if amended with another famous quote generally (mis)attributed to Winston Churchill: “History is Written by its Victors” you can see the flaws, if you only learn from one side of history, how do you know what you do is the right thing? What about the losers? The other side of history? What about the lessons in futility? Those who are victorious do not have to be in the right.
My name is Wybren (William) bij de Weg. I have always been interested in the wisdom of the past. With this, combined with my love for storytelling I hope to bring an interesting and engaging story about Granville Sharp and his fight against slavery, a history forgotten by most, yet filled with insight and wisdom.
The session will be taking place at the locations of Leeuwarden (X-Lab), Emmen (room 1080) or Meppel (room 15). Stay at home if you have Covid-related complaints, consider a self-test to be sure and try to keep your distance. We take care of the fourth rule: ventilation!
Schedule of May 25
Time | Activity |
14:00 | Drop-in |
14:30 | The Right Side of History by Wybren bij de Weg |
16:00 – 17:30 (app.*) | Basecamp |